"We shared a moment, me and that badger."

The other day I was precariously hanging out of my window enjoying my bedtime ciggie when two foxes- a big one and a little one, presumably related- walked out onto the path at the end of the garden.  They were having a bit of a sniff around when suddenly little fox froze, staring straight ahead down the path. After a split second big fox did the same. The foxes remained still for an intense moment before little fox bolted, pursued closely by big fox.

Intrigued to see what had scared the foxes I remained in the window, half expecting to see some pissed local come staggering down the path.

What actually came wondering along was a badger.

Now, I must admit I’d heard of badgers, seen pictures of them on TV and in books, maybe even had shaving foam applied to my face with part of one at some time, but I had never actually seen one in the flesh. Living, breathing and scaring little foxes.

The badger walked a few paces until he was right at the end of the garden path then spun his head towards my window and stared me straight in the eye.

We shared a moment, me and that badger.

It then turned around, walked over to a tin can on the path, picked it up and wondered off.

As I finished my smoke and retreated through the window into the warmth of my bedroom there was a brief moment when I wondered if I had in fact just seen two foxes and a womble but I quickly remembered that unlike badgers, wombles don’t exist. Pity.

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